What is the full form of OK? OK full form.

Ok full form            

Full form
                 Do you know the full form of the most commonly used word on this planet?. In this blog you will know what is the full form of OK, history of OK and synonyms of OK.

Full form of ok

  The full form of OK is Oll korrect or Olla kalla. 

What is mean by olla kalla

                              Olla kalla is a Greek word which means all good or everything is fine.

Oll korrect

          Oll korrect is a funny misspelling of all correct.

Why Oll korrect is used instead of all correct?

           During 1830s in United States there is craze of using humorous abbreviation such as OW for oll wright instead of all right and ky for know yuse Instead of no use.

                      This is how OK was also used as comical abbreviation for Oll korrect instead of all correct.

When this term was popularized

                          The OK term was popularized when political party supporters of Martin Van Buren-whose nickname was old kinderhook (OK) used in his political campaigns.

  He is the founder of democratic political party.

      Van Buren also served as ninth governor of New York and eighth vice President of the United States.

. Synonyms of OK

    The synonyms of OK are

. all right
. right
. very well
. acceptable
. fine
. approve
. agree to
. agreed
. yes
. very good
. satisfactory
. in order.

 . Opposites of OK

    Unsatisfactory, unacceptable, inadequate.

. OK is used for denoting

. agreement
. acceptance
. approval
. assent and
. acknowledgement.


       Imagine you met your friend on a street and he is going somewhere on his bike

You : Hey! Where are you going
Friend : I'm going to my village
You : which village?
Friend : xyz
You : "OK" bye. Call me when you reach your village. Go safe!
Friend : "OK"


              Ok is mostly used while chatting. No matter which language you speak, whether you speak English, Spanish, Dutch, French, Russian or any other language, I think at least once you used this word.