Top 7 Interesting Facts About IBM That Everyone Should Know 2020 and full form of IBM.

Amazing facts about IBM that you must know

          international business machines (IBM) corporation produces and sells computer hardware and computer software. IBM also provides hosting and consulting services ranging from mainframes to nanotechnology computers.

                            The current president of IBM is Jim Whitehurst. IBM is currently serving or working in 177 countries. It means IBM almost works worldwide.

IBM full form

                   The full form or long form of IBM is "international business machines".

           IBM stands for "international business machines".

Let's interact with the Amazing facts about IBM.

1. Colossus of Armonk

                  International business machines (IBM) headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States that's why IBM is known as the colossus of Armonk. Colossus means a person or thing which is of enormous size.

                          When you search Colossus of Armonk on Google you will be redirected to blogs or articles related to IBM. There is no doubt that IBM is enormous in size because it is being served worldwide.

2. IBM Nickname               

         Big Blue is a nickname of international business machine (IBM). Although it is not clear why IBM is nicknamed as big blue but it is believed that big blue is nicknamed because IBM logo or icon is blue in color.

                  Many people still call international business machines (IBM) as big blue. There are many theories that IBM is nicknamed as big blue due to IBM's blue computers.

     During initial days or beginning days IBM mainframe computers were blue in color that's why IBM is nicknamed as big blue.

3. First smartphone

                         Nowadays many people have smartphones instead of many people. I can even say everyone has smartphones.
Nowadays smartphones have become a very important part of our life. Many people sleep with their mobile phones.

                   But do you know which company designed the first smartphone in the world? The first smartphone in the world was developed by IBM in 1992.

            But it was not called a smartphone as the term smartphone came into existence in 1995.

                           The first smartphone created by international business machines (IBM) is called Simon personal communicator.

                    The first smartphone Simon had a touchscreen and it came with a stylus.

                                   The first smartphone had many features as you could send and receive emails and it also has a notes feature where you can write your daily to-do list or whatever you want.

                               The first smartphone Simon personal communicator also had a feature of calendar and world clock.

     You could see the timings across the world and it's also had a feature of scheduling appointments.

                         Although the first smartphone had very few features compared to modern smartphones. Nowadays smartphones have many features.

                            Many people are addicted to smartphones, you can't even imagine living without having a smartphone and even kids are addicted to smartphones.

Addiction to smartphones is really harmful to health.

4. IBM supercomputers


                                          Supercomputers offer high level performance compared to general computers. Supercomputers work a lot faster than general computers.

          The performance of supercomputers is measured in floating-point operations or second (FLOPS).

                           instead of million instructions per second (MIPS), the performance of supercomputers is measured in floating-point operations per second.

A single post or article can be written on this topic (supercomputer) if i explain it in detail.

a. IBM's Watson

              International business machines are known for creating supercomputers. One of the most powerful supercomputers built by IBM is Watson.

                     This supercomputer is known as Watson after the co-founder of IBM Thomas J. Watson.

            IBM's Watson is a question-answering computer capable of answering questions. In 2011, Watson competed against champions Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings, and guess what Watson computer system defeated both Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings and won the prize money of one million dollars. IBM's Watson was introduced in 2010.

b. Summit or OLCF-4

            Another supercomputer developed by international business machines is summit or you can call it as OLCF-4.

        The speed of the summit supercomputer is 200 petaFLOPS (peak), this speed makes the summit the fastest supercomputer in the world.

                 This supercomputer was developed for the purpose of scientific research. This supercomputer can be used to solve complex tasks in the field of artificial intelligence, human health and many more.

c. Sierra

                                                                         Sierra supercomputer is also developed by IBM. The Sierra supercomputer is a little bit similar in architecture to the summit.

       The speed of the Sierra supercomputer is 125 petaFLOPS (peak).

             The Sierra supercomputer is used for the purpose of nuclear weapon simulations. Sierra supercomputer is also called ATS-2.

                 This supercomputer Speed is less as compared to summit or OLCF-4.

5. IBM's quantum computer

      Other than supercomputers and general purpose computers, IBM is also working on developing quantum computers.

                                    Quantum computers work faster than supercomputers. IBM already developed a prototype of a 50 qubit processor and it is working on developing a 53-qubit processor.

        Qubit is also known as quantum bit and it is a basic unit of quantum information in quantum computers.

6. IBM's Deep Blue computer

                      International business machines (IBM) developed a chess playing computer named Deep blue.

        In the beginning the project name of this computer was deep thought but later in 1989 this computer was named as deep blue.

                                  In 1996 deep blue won a chess game against world champion Garry Kasparov.

       Deep blue became the first system in the world to win a chess game against the world champion.

7. IBM's slogan

               The slogan of international business machines (IBM) is "Think". This slogan was used by co-founder of IBM Thomas J Watson in 1911, while managing advertising departments at NCR corporation. NCR stands for national cash register.

                Apple's think different slogan was a response to IBM's slogan think.


              International business machines are popularly known for developing computers. Now, they are working on developing powerful supercomputers and quantum computers.

             I think in future supercomputers will replace general purpose computers because supercomputers work faster than general computers.

                        The first smartphone was also developed by IBM don't forget the name of the first smartphone.

             Nowadays smartphones offer a lot of features and they are upgrading day by day.