Top 21 mind blowing facts about Facebook that you should know

Top 21 amazing facts about Facebook

                                                                                                       In this blog, we will study some of the amazing facts about Facebook. Nowadays everyone uses social media applications. Facebook can be used by an individual or by an organization.   

Some people use it just for fun or entertainment and some use it for social media or digital marketing, Everyone has their own purpose of using Facebook.

Are you curious to know some of the fascinating facts about Facebook? I know you will say yes then without wasting your time let's begin…

1. On average every Facebook user has 130-140 friends.

                                                                                                   It's easy to have 130-140 friends on Facebook because in this generation everyone wants a huge circle of friends on Facebook or any other social media apps.

A lot of unknown people will become friends on Facebook. I think there are many friends of yours who haven't met you in real life.

2. Facebook is used by around 2 billion people per month.

                  Love it or hate it but you can't deny the fact that at least once a week you scroll through your Facebook news feed. You can't stay away from using Facebook because it makes us feel connected to everyone.

 Facebook is used by both younger and old generation people that's why Facebook has 2 billion monthly users.

3. Why is Facebook color blue?

                                                                             Did you know the fact behind the blue color of Facebook. Facebook color is blue because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colour blind. Zuckerberg feels that blue is the richest color so that's why he used blue color for Facebook.                         

4. Facebook like button is used to be awesome button.

                                                                         Facebook launched in 2004 at the beginning Facebook like button is called an awesome button. According to Facebook engineer Andrew Bosworth he feels that the concept of liking is very old so he advised Mark Zuckerberg to change the awesome button into a like button. 

In 2007 Zuckerberg named awesome button as like button.

5. Yahoo wanted to acquire Facebook.

                                   In 2006 Yahoo wanted to acquire Facebook for 1 billion dollars. According to the book "become Facebook" by Mike Hoefflinger, he wrote that mark Zuckerberg turned down the offer of selling Facebook for 1 billion dollars. 

The decision he took in 2006 made him one of the richest people in the world in 2020.

6. One out of five people on earth have an active Facebook account.

                                                                    Facebook announced in 2015 that around 2 billion users are active on Facebook (monthly). The world population is more than 7 billion and around 2 billion check their Facebook account at least once a month 😲. 

Facebook's user base has grown so much, nowadays everyone is addicted to Facebook.

7. Everyday 1.7 billion people log onto their Facebook account.


                            According to Facebook's first quarter report in 2020 "everyday more than 1.7 billion people check their Facebook account", That's why Facebook is one of the most popular social media site or application.

8. Facebook users based on gender.       

                                                                     According to the stats of Facebook during the first quarter in 2020, Facebook is used by 44% female and 56% male, it's not a big difference. Basically Facebook is used by both male and females.

9. Most followed page on Facebook

                                           Facebook's own page named as Facebook app is the most followed page on Facebook. The page Facebook app is liked by 214 million users.

10. Most followed person on Facebook

                                  The most followed person on Facebook is Cristiano Ronaldo with 126 million followers or likes. Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portugese football player.

                         At present his page is most liked on Facebook. Cristiano Ronaldo page was created on 7 may 2009. 

Followed by Cristiano Ronaldo, the second most liked person on Facebook is Shakira. She is a musician from Colombia, Shakira page is liked by 99 million users.

11. Most popular brand on Facebook.

        The most popular brand on Facebook is Samsung. The Samsung page is liked by 159 million people.

Samsung is a multinational conglomerate South Korean company. Lee byung-chul founded Samsung in 1938. Samsung has headquarters in Seoul, south korea. Samsung Facebook page was created on 16 September 2009.

12.Most liked movie page on Facebook

Most liked movie page on Facebook
Harry Potter fan art

              The most popular movie on Facebook is Harry Potter with 72 million likes. Harry Potter is American film series based on the novel by J.K Rowling. On 1 October 2009 Harry Potter movie page was created on Facebook.

The second most liked movie page on Facebook is Titanic. The Titanic movie page is liked by 53 million users. This movie was released in 1997 directed by James Cameron.

13. Single Facebook post with most comments.

                                           The post uploaded by Tracey Hodge on 30 October 2011 received more than 1 million comments. This is the record for most comments on a single Facebook post. This post was uploaded on a page called "zynga freemium game".

14. Most liked post on Facebook

                                                                                     Vin Diesel posted a picture with his best friend Paul Walker which received the most number of likes on Facebook. This post was liked by more than 8 million users.

 Paul Walker was an American actor, and in November 2013 he died in a car accident. Vin Diesel posted this picture after the death of Paul Walker.

15. Facebook post character limit.

                                                                           Although you can write lengthy posts on Facebook but still Facebook has a character limit for every post. The post character limit on Facebook is 63,206 characters.

 What do you think this character limit is enough to write something on Facebook?.

16. Facebook username character limit.

                           Facebook also has a username character limit. The character limit for a username on Facebook is 50 characters, you can't use more than 50 characters in an username.

17. Nations with most Facebook users.

              According to Facebook's first quarter report in 2020. The most Facebook users are found in India.

        More than 280 million Indian people are active on Facebook, Followed by India the United States has 190 million Facebook users which is the second country with most Facebook users.

18. Facebook addiction disorder (FAD).

                              It is so difficult to stay away from using Facebook. Nowadays parents are worried about social media addiction, because children are so much addicted to Facebook.

According to a survey in 2009 over 350 million people are suffering from Facebook addiction disorder (FAD).

19. Viacom wanted to acquire Facebook.

                                                  Many companies wanted to acquire Facebook but everytime Mark Zuckerberg turned down the offers. In 2005 Viacom offered 75 million dollars to purchase Facebook, but Mark Zuckerberg was not interested in this deal.

                               In 2005 Zuckerberg thought that Facebook was worth 2 billion dollars that's why he turned down that offer from Viacom.                 

20. Facebook stories feature

                                 Facebook started using the story feature on 28 March 2017. Everyday more than 300 million people upload stories to their Facebook account.

 The content or post uploaded to stories will remain for 24 hours, after one day or 24 hours the story automatically disappears.

21. Facebook initial public offering            

                         On 18  May 2012 Facebook held its initial public offering. After the IPO Mark Zuckerberg retained 22% ownership and 57% voting shares.


Facebook users are increasing every year because it is used by both younger and older generation people. But, nowadays less teenagers are using Facebook, they prefer other social media apps.

 A lot of people use Facebook at least to check their birth dates, well some people use it as a tool for growing their business. 

Many companies use Facebook for social media marketing.