How does Top 5 social media apps use machine learning.

Top 5 social media applications using machine learning.     

                                   In this blog, we will study how top social media applications are using machine learning. In 2020 on an average around 45% of the people in the world spend 2 hours 20 minutes on social media in one day.

 In 2012 According to a survey people were using social media apps for 1 hour and 10 minutes. At present The use of social media apps almost double compared to 2012.

Almost everyone is addicted to social media because it makes us feel connected to everyone. So without wasting your time let's see the use of machine learning in social media.

Table of contents

  1. Facebook

  1. A brief history of Facebook

  2. How does Facebook use machine learning?.

  1. Instagram

  1. A brief history of Instagram

  2. How does Instagram use Machine learning?.

  1. Twitter

  1. A brief history of Twitter

  2. How does Twitter use machine learning?.

  1. Pinterest

  1. A brief history of Pinterest

  2. How does Pinterest use machine learning?.

  1. Whatsapp

  1. A brief history of whatsapp

  2. How does WhatsApp use machine learning?




A brief history of Facebook

                              In case if you are not aware of this app, this is an American social media app launched on February 4,2004. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook has a headquarters in Menlo park, California, United States.

                         Facebook is a multilingual app, it can be used in 140 languages. Facebook international headquarters is located in Dublin, Ireland. Mark Zuckerberg is color blind that's why Facebook is blue.

How does Facebook use machine learning?

                                Above we have studied the history of Facebook. Now, we will learn how machine learning is used by Facebook to improve the user experience. 

Machine learning algorithms help to show you the interested news feed on the home page.It collects the data of likes and most interacted pages using this data machine learning shows interested news feed.

Another use of machine learning in Facebook is suggestion of friends such as mutual friends. Again collecting the data of your friend list machine learning will show you the mutual friends.

Most common use of machine learning is chatbots. A lot of companies and social media applications use chatbots, because chatbots are available 24/7 for a user.

            If a user has any problems he/she doesn't need to call any customer care or doesn't need to wait in the queue for the call to connect, because chatbots can suggest solutions within a minute.


                      Another use of machine learning is advertising which shows interesting ads to a user.

                          Facebook uses machine learning in almost every aspect whether it is news feed, suggestion of friends, chatbots and advertising.



A brief history of Instagram

                                      Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in 2010. Instagram is available in 32 languages. Instagram was first called "burbn".

In 2012 Instagram was acquired by Mark Zuckerberg for almost 1 billion dollars. Instagram co-founder served as a CEO until September 2018.

How does Instagram use Machine learning?

                  Instagram uses machine learning to enhance the user experience by showing most relevant posts on the homepage.

              Like Facebook Machine learning system collects the data of user likes and most interesting pages by using this data, machine learning shows the most relevant results. Using machine learning Instagram shows recommended ads.

                   If you follow web designing pages and if you like web designing posts machine learning will show you posts and ads related to web designing.



A brief history of Twitter

               In 2006 Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Noah glass and biz stone. Twitter has headquarters in San Francisco, California, United States. Twitter has a limit of 280 characters for a tweet earlier it was limited to 140 characters. Officially Twitter Bird is called Larry.

How does Twitter use machine learning?  

                     Twitter has a team called Twitter cortex which is a group of researchers and scientists. This team (Twitter cortex) focuses on improving the user experience using machine learning technology.

According to Jack Dorsey the present CEO of Twitter. The research team uses machine learning algorithms to collect the data of likes and retweets by using this data machine learning will show us the best possible results.


               If you like and retweet Cristiano Ronaldo tweets, on the homepage you will see Cristiano Ronaldo tweets, and it even shows the tweets liked and retweeted by Cristiano Ronaldo.



A brief history of Pinterest

                         Another most popular social media application is Pinterest. Pinterest was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan sharp. Pinterest was founded in December 2009. Pinterest has a headquarters in San Francisco, California, United States.

 Monthly active users on Pinterest is 300 million. Pinterest is one of the most useful social media sites to acquire some knowledge.

How does Pinterest use machine learning?.

                   Pinterest black-ops team detects spam using a system called Stingray, this system helps to detect the spam created by spammers.

                           The discovery team of Pinterest provides the recommended result. (E.g if you are interested in astronomy machine learning algorithms will show you the astronomy related pins.)

The Pinterest monetization team uses machine learning to show the ads relevant to the users. (E.g if you are interested in digital marketing machine learning will show you digital marketing related ads.) Pinterest uses machine learning for auto organization of boards.



A brief history of whatsapp

          Whatsapp is a text messaging and social media app. Whatsapp was introduced in January 2009. Whatsapp was created by Brian Acton, Jan koum.

       Whatsapp has headquarters in mountain view, California, United States. The parent organization of whatsapp is Facebook.

 Mark Zuckerberg acquired Facebook for 19 billion dollars on February 9, 2014. Will Cathcart is the head of whatsapp.

How does whatsapp use machine learning?.

              Whatsapp has a fake news problem. A lot of people spread fake news using fake accounts. Whatsapp is even criticized for not taking any action against these fake accounts. So to tackle this problem whatsapp is using machine learning.

                   The machine learning algorithms in whatsapp detects the accounts which are spreading fake news and bulk messages. 

Whatsapp has already warned that they will ban the accounts if they find any suspicious action.

        A lot of fake accounts are spreading fake news about corona virus so please check the facts before believing in these news.


                     In this blog, we have studied how social media applications are using machine learning to enhance the user experience. We learnt how Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and whatsapp are using machine learning for enhanced user experience.

                    We also acquired some information about the history of these social media applications.