Machine learning applications at Google.

Applications of machine learning at Google


Around 59 percent people in the world have internet access, which means around 4.5 billion people are active on the internet, and all these people know what actually Google is, but most of us are not aware of the technology which Google uses to provide the services.

                          Want to know which technology is used in some Google tools or applications?. No, need to worry I'm here to explain the technology and it's uses.

                                                       The technology which is used in some Google services is machine learning. Do you know what is meant by machine learning ?. Just click here to know the basics of machine learning.

Table of contents

  1. Google photos
  • Suggestion for duplicate photos.             
      2. Google rankBrain
      3. Google translation tool.
      4.  Google assistant.    

Now, we will discuss the use of machine learning technology in Google.

1. Google photos.

How does Google photos use machine learning
Google photos

I guess a lot of people use Google photos to store their photos in the cloud. Do you know how  Google photos actually work?, and the technology which is used in Google? Yes, you guessed it correctly the technology which is used in Google photos is machine learning, but what is use of machine learning in Google photos.

 Don't worry I will explain you the use of machine learning in Google photos.

Nowadays a lot of people are selfie freaks, we capture every moments in our life whether it may be vacation, party, holiday's and even our delicious food.

                                     we capture everything just to upload it in social media. We try around 20 times just to get that one best photo which we can upload it on social media. So, now after capturing 20 similar photos you're confused to choose which one best to upload on social media. 

                       Well no need to worry because machine learning will suggest you the best pic or photo.

Suggestion for duplicate photos.

How many people love to take selfies or photos when we are on a vacation I guess everyone, we just don't want to miss any moment from our trip, again we capture similar moments around 20 times.

                  Above I explained you suggestions for best photo, imagine now you uploaded 1 uploaded one photo on social media from your 20 photos but what about those similar photos,which are just filling your storage, so here also machine learning will suggest you for deleting the duplicate photos.

                                       Now, you can easily delete a duplicate photo. While capturing tons of photos some of them will be blurry, so machine learning will suggest you for deleting a photo which is not good or blurry.

2. Google rankBrain. 

Google rank brain using machine learning                             

                            If you want any information about something, what will you do? Whether you want to know about a particular subject or it may be about a person or weather forecast for your location, do you ask any of your friends or cousin?.

I don't think you will because now-a-days almost everyone will search on Google, but how exactly Google works? How Google will show you the most related results?.

          Don't worry, you will find answers for all these questions in this blog.

Google confirmed use of machine learning based search engine algorithms for rank brain in the year 2015 (October).

                                     I will give you an example of how Google's rank brain will provide you the most related results. (You don't like to go outside to purchase products, so you prefer to purchase them online, and every time you purchase all the products on Amazon, and one day you are curious to know who is the founder of Amazon and what will you do know, you will search on Google and you will get the most related result like founder of Amazon (Jeff Bezos) you will get the answer). 

This is how exactly machine learning algorithms will provide you the best results.

3. Google translation tool.

Not able to read a text which is in English. Now, you're searching for someone who can translate the text to a language which you can understand. In the present, you don't need to find someone for translation, because Google's translation tool will do that for you.

             Google translation tool will translate the text from one language (e.g. English) to another language (e.g. Hindi).

     This Google translation tool uses machine learning algorithms. Even if you are not able to read this blog which is in English you can translate this to a language which you can understand.

4. Google assistant.

                     The voice enabled Google assistant introduced by Google in the year 2016 in California.

                                   If you have an Android smartphone you already know what Google assistant is, The voice enabled assistant controls your devices in your smart home. It will give you a reminder of you have any tasks or meetings. It will also read the notifications for you. 


                           In this blog we got some knowledge about which technology is used in some of the Google services. Now, we know that why Google photos suggest you the best photo and also the bad one or the photo which is not good, the machine learning algorithms will suggest you to delete the blurry image.

         We also know the technology behind suggestions for deleting a duplicate photo.

     Rank brain, now we know the technology behind Google search engine results, how Google provides  the best related result. The Google translating tool which translates the text from one language to another & the last one Google assistant in which machine learning is used.

                          Although machine learning has a lot of applications, it can be used in a lot of fields.

Machine learning reduces a lot of workload, a lot of times we don't have time to do all these things because of our busy schedule. Almost in every application Google is using machine learning.

               If you are using all the above Google applications then comment typing yes.

                                 If you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of machine learning, then click here Advantages and disadvantages