Advantages and disadvantages of machine learning [Step by Step].

Machine learning advantages and disadvantages.

machine learning Advantages and disadvantages                            
         Machine learning has  a lot of advantages as well as disadvantages, every system has some pros (advantages) and cons (disadvantages). So let's discuss some of them.

Machine learning pros and cons.

                                            Machine learning has a very bright future, nowadays a lot of young aspirants want to know what machine learning is?. Machine learning at its peak that's, why machine learning engineers have a lot of or high demand in the market.

                         The future is all about machine learning and artificial intelligence. So let's  discuss some advantages and disadvantages of machine learning.

Table of contents.

  1. Advantages of machine learning.
  • Consistent improvement
  • Versatile
  • Automation
  • Pattern recognition
     2. Disadvantages of machine learning.
  •  Time requirement
  • Data acquisition
  • Algorithms selection
  • Evolution      

Advantages of machine learning.

Pros and cons of machine learning
Four advantages of machine learning

1. improves consistently.

                                                                                                     Machine learning algorithms will improve when they gain some experience by using their previous input data. It's a self learning technique, when the algorithms acquire some experience they will improve consistently with great accuracy.

2. variety of applications (versatile).

                                  Machine learning is used in a lot of fields. It has a wide variety of uses, without knowing we use machine learning in our everyday life digital voice assistants such as Google's assistant, Amazon's alexa and Apple's Siri. The social media services such as friends suggestion in Facebook.

3. automation.

          One of the best advantages of machine learning is automation, because  machine learning algorithms can work automatically without any human interruption.

       machine learning reduces the workload of the management as well as employees because of its automation.

4. Recognition of patterns is easy.

                                              machine learning algorithms recognise the patterns with ease. The recognition of patterns is also important for humans.

                               Take the example of Jeff Bezos how he became the richest person? How he earned more than 100 billion?Because of early decisions his ability to see the pattern whether it's about e-commerce, market, customer needs and future technology because of all this things his net worth is improving consistently.

                 Now, how does a machine learning algorithm recognise patterns? It is a process in which we need to train the algorithms or models to recognise the pattern. (E.g determining spam and non-spam emails.).

                                          Pattern recognition includes the applications of image or video analysis, signal processing, statical data analysis and computer graphics.

Disadvantages of machine learning.

                                                       As above we has seen some advantages of machine learning.  Every model or system have some pros and cons.Now, we will discuss some of its disadvantages.

1. requires time. 

                           machine learning algorithms need time to gain experience because these algorithms will get better  when they obtain some experience. But, to gain the experience the machine learning algorithms requires some time.

 The algorithms of machine learning is time consuming, as they will not learn everything when programmed, they will learn when they acquire some experience.

                                    It is also an advantage of improving consistently through experiences, but to obtain the experience we need to wait until the algorithms become experienced.

2. data acquisition.

                 Machine learning requires a huge amount of data for the process of learning as well as training, also the machine learning process needs good quality of data, because good quality data helps to accomplish the given task more accurately and efficiently.

3. selection of algorithms.

                               The selection of algorithms in machine learning is disadvantage. The algorithm selection in machine learning process is a physical or manual job, because there are many types of algorithms in machine learning, so trying different types of algorithms in machine learning is a difficult task.

4. evolution.

              Although the term machine learning popularized in 1959 by Arthur Samuel, it is still not fully developed (2020).

                                                 The development of machine learning is still slow, although it's been 60 years since the term machine learning is popularized but it is still considered as a new technology.

                                        Technology does not  automatically improve a lot of people need to work hard to improve it.


                                                  In this blog we took a lot of information about advantages and disadvantages of machine learning. We can get a bunch of advantages from machine learning if we know the correct use of machine learning algorithms. 

Because using any technology we need to be aware of its pros and cons.The above mentioned advantages and disadvantages of machine learning will help the reader to know more about machine learning.