Top 13 incredible facts about Pinterest that you should know

Amazing facts about Pinterest that everyone should know                   

Amazing facts about Pinterest                      

                                    Pinterest mainly consists of boards and pins. Pinterest is one of the amazing social media sites. The founders of Pinterest are Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan sharp. Pinterest was founded in December 2009.         

                             Are you curious to know the amazing facts about Pinterest? I know you will say yes, then without wasting your time, let's begin…..

1. Monthly active users on Pinterest

                                 Pinterest is growing very rapidly, per month Pinterest has more than 335 million active users. Many bloggers or content writers and businesses use Pinterest as a marketing tool to grow their websites. This is the first Pinterest fact.

2. Pinterest monthly searches

Pinterest monthly users                        

                                         Monthly searches on Pinterest are more than 2 billion. Pinterest works like a search engine. Yes, it works the same as Google search engine, that's why it helps to generate organic traffic to pinners websites. This one is the second Pinterest fact let's move on to third one.

3. Users on Pinterest are always ready to purchase

                                                      More than 48% of users purchase products on Pinterest. It is one of the most useful social media sites for marketing. Almost half of the users purchase products from Pinterest.

    Percentage of buying products from Pinterest is very high as compared to other social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This is the third Pinterest facts.

4. Pinterest users by gender

                                    71% Pinterest users are female and the rest 29% are male. Pinterest is a favourite social media site of female's from the beginning. Women are always fascinated towards Pinterest.

                            Pinterest is specially used by mom's. Most of the pinners are mom's. They like to use Pinterest more than other social media sites. Pinterest provides useful information through images, videos and gifs.

5. Pinterest pins

                                    Globally More than 200 billion pins have been created on Pinterest. Everyday a lot of people pin images, videos and gifs to provide information to other users, with just 300 million monthly active users Pinterest has more than 200 billion pins.
                        There are many users who sell their products by pinning the images. When you click on those pins it will take you to a website.

6. Pinterest boards

                                                     Till now, More than 4 billion boards have been created on Pinterest. Boards are used to organise the pins.

.    Example: suppose if you have pins about photography and technology you can create separate boards for photography and technology. In a photography board you can save/collect pins related to photography and you can save pins related to technology in technology boards.

7. Pinterest initial public offering

                               On April 18 Pinterest went public. Pinterest IPO opened with 19 dollars per share. Pinterest went public with a valuation of 10 billion dollars.

8. What age group uses Pinterest most

                   35% Pinterest users age between 30 to 49 and 34% users age between 18 to 29. Although, there is not a big difference, Pinterest is used by both teenagers and adults.

                      Like other social media sites, Pinterest also has an age limit. According to Pinterest guidelines only 13 years old users can access Pinterest.

9. Pinterest Google Play downloads

                            Pinterest has 100 million plus downloads on Google Play. Although, Pinterest has less downloads compared on Google Play compared to other social media apps. Below are the social media apps with a number of downloads on Google Play Store.

Facebook: 5 billion plus downloads

Whatsapp: 5 billion plus downloads

Instagram: 1 billion plus downloads

Snapchat: 1 billion plus downloads

Twitter: 500 million plus downloads

10. Pinterest users via mobile


                85% of users prefer using Pinterest through mobile. Nowadays a lot of users spend most of their time on mobile. Like many other social media sites Pinterest is also used through mobile compared to desktop or tablet.

                              85% users access the use of Pinterest through Pinterest app, because the app provides enhanced user experience. At present all online activities are accessed through mobile.

11. Pinterest pins lifespan

                     Pinterest pins have more than 3.5 months lifespan where Twitter tweets have just 10 to 20 minutes lifespan.

Twitter doesn't show tweets on a user's feed after 20 minutes of publishing the tweets.

                 Pinterest shows recommended pins on user feed for several months. If you correctly optimize your pins Pinterest shows those pins on user feed for several months. Pinterest is a site where not only your followers but many other people see your pins.

Ex: if you're interested in astronomy Pinterest will start showing the pins related to astronomy, because of this your pins will be shown on user feed for several months.

12. Generate more organic traffic

                        Using Pinterest many bloggers or content writers generates organic traffic. If you want to generate organic traffic you can use Pinterest.

                         Pinterest works like a search engine; it shows recommended results to a lot of users on their feeds. Many bloggers are generating massive amounts of traffic using Pinterest.

13. Most followed person on Pinterest

                        The most followed person on Pinterest is Joy cho/oh joy with more than 13,233,000 followers. She is a very active user on Pinterest.

The total pins by oh joy on Pinterest is more than 30,000 and total boards is 73. She organised the pins so well by using the boards for a specific topic.

                  Second most followed account on Pinterest is Maryann Rizzo with more than 9,023,000 followers. She has a collection of more than 111,000 pins and she created a total number of 267 boards. She is an interior designer. This one is the last Pinterest fact in our Blog.

. Conclusion

                      If you know the correct user of Pinterest, if you use it wisely then Pinterest is one of the most useful social media sites. In this blog we looked at amazing Pinterest facts.

                   If you want to generate organic traffic or if you want to sell your products then Pinterest is the best social media site.

Pinterest is one of the most useful tools to reach more audiences or more users. Many small businesses use Pinterest to generate organic traffic and many of them are already generating massive amounts of traffic.

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